Monday, November 17, 2008

Fire Your Fries!!

Ladies, I know most of you busy working mothers sometimes (well, most of the times) finds it hard to prepare your family meal. Thank good to fast food. But serious girl, do you realize what is in those fast junk foods? My favorite is Fries (and I know most of you like them too). Kids love it too. It’s crispy, tasty, mmmm I almost can feel it on my mouth now. But please, don’t hesitate to literary “fire” fries from your menu. From all junk foods out there, fries has the biggest chance of causing cancer. You see, fast food processing always uses pre-heated oil, which finally produces chemical known as Acrylamides. Beware, this chemical has the nature of Carsinogen, which trigger cancer. According to various researches, the amount of Acrylamides in fries proven to be the highest among other fast food. So, think twice if you are going to eat or give fries to your children. It’s pretty scary I guess. And, the important thing is, you won’t get any thinner eating those yummy fries (that’s the most important thing right ladies??). I’m not making those up you know, got it from Fitness Magazine (Indonesia) August edition.

1 comment:

mommy adit said...

we are rarely eat those kind of foods...