Friday, November 14, 2008

Tough working world

Hi Mums!!
First, i want to greet you all tough Mums!!
Let's face it, the world is in recession. So, i guess bustin *ss at the office is common for us working women. For us women, it's getting harder when going home finding your kids are there waiting for you all day long. Gosh, i wish i didn't have to go to work every morning and coming home facing those sad eyes wanting to spend time with you. My kids have a ne strategy for this week. Grab my legs, just stick their nose to my knee and make me stop whatever I'm doing to prepare my day before going to the office. So, everyday I'm about 30 minutes late. (Nice strategy huh??).


mommy adit said...

What a smart strategy!! (LOL)

I think you're not alone. Perhaps almost all working moms feel the same.

Just pray for the best...

Unknown said...

itu juga yang gian lakuin belakangan ini... suka iseng juga sih, pas dia lagi asik main trus uci tinggalin nyambi kerjaan RT... begitu ngeh dia langsung teriak2 "mamaaaaah... mamaaaah..." then crying... (LOL)

urusan telat... itu mah everyday bu... hehehe...